Part 5 and it's day 7. School is life sucking, but as of tonight it is slightly less life sucking and after I finish a few quizzes this weekend, it will be significantly less life sucking, so hopefully no more skipped days.
Second, Ryan Gosling tells Steve Carrell to meet him at 3:00 on a Thursday. Who is free at 3:00 on a flipping Thursday?! Cal wasn't even at work when he left. He just took a Thursday off. And what does Ryan Gosling do? He's got a giant house and buys $5,000 massage chairs but does nothing during the day. It's weird.
Also, what's up with the teenage sexual harassment? Robbie, bud, once a girl tells you that you're making her uncomfortable, you stop doing whatever it is you're doing that is making her uncomfortable. I don't know if I picked up on that before.
Okay, done with rants.
Best part about this movie BY FAR is Ryan Gosling. I mean LOOK at that!
And he has the best judgy looks in this movie.
And he's just the right amount of douchey to pull off a v-neck and be sexy.
Come on. COME ON!
That actually seems like a pretty good place to end.
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