
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Geekery Abounds in Europe

These are some of my Geek pictures from Europe. It's missing several including the very best one, namely myself and the TARDIS at Earl's Court (consequently the location of another geek site - who here reads Neil Gaiman?), but it will come hopefully soon. That one was taken on an SD card that I don't have access to at the moment. But I'll add it when it comes. So hooray for me geeking out in Europe! Most of the references are from Doctor Who but IT Crowd, Danger 5, Hercules, Asterix, The Simpsons, and Midnight in Paris make appearances. 

For all you IT Crowd fans. I was under the assumption that the UK changed their emergency number to 011-8-999-881-99-9119-725-3

The next few pictures are from the Doctor Who prop museum in the back of the Who Shop in London (yes, I did spend 60 pounds there). These props are legit and really used in the series. I was crazy excited. The entrance to the museum was the TARDIS door. I got to unlock it with the key. I basically died. This first picture is one of the first Cybermen!

One of the consoles used in the series. 


Vincent Van Gough's outfit. One of my favorite episodes. 


The coat used by Captain Jack Harkness. If I had stood in front of it a bit longer I probably would have gotten pregnant with Captain Jack's baby. 

One of Tom Baker's outfits. Who doesn't love the scarves of the Fourth Doctor? 

The sign at the entrance of the shop. I was happy. 

Bliss. This place was pure bliss. I could have spent all day there. They had Buffy stuff too!

This is a Doctor Who/IT Crowd crossover. Upton Park is the stop you get off to go to the Who Shop. West Ham United is the football team Roy pretends to support in the pub. Did you see that ludicrous display last night? 

The Eiffel Tower where it was supposed to be - in Paris. Not as part of a pile of national monuments constructed in honor of Hitler. (Danger 5, anyone? ...anyone?)

These were a little too much like Weeping Angels for my comfort level. This was at Versailles towards the beginning of the trip and ever since then I was constantly looking over my shoulder. 

No Krafayis in the window! The Doctor and Amy really did visit Vincent Van Gough. 

I didn't stumble upon this building at midnight, but I was in Paris!


Why yes, this gargoyle on top of Notre Dame DID burst into song. 

Speaking of song, I had "Zero to Hero" stuck in my head for a while after seeing this. 

Speaking of Disney's Hercules, I think we all know how Venus lost her arms.

This is one of my favorites. This is a sculpture of a Ceasar in ancient Rome. Does he look familiar? Especially to those of you who watch Doctor Who? DOES HE LOOK EXACTLY LIKE THE NINTH DOCTOR?! The answer is yes. He looks exactly like the Ninth Doctor. Proof that the Doctor is real and Torchwood created the TV show to trick us all. 

Yep, even Winged Glory reminded me of the Weeping Angels. 

THERE'S AN ASTERIX PARK?! If I had known that, I would have made time to visit. 

Another stone statue scaring me to death watching over Chopin. 

These Weeping Angels were downright unnerving.

Again, scared for my life.

I ran from this one. 

At least these two are looking at each other...

What if David is really a giant Weeping Angel? 

There's got to be a giant Bart Simpson somewhere who could make good use of this giant sling shot tree. 

More proof that The Doctor exists. Who else would have the resources to take Sylvester Stallone back in time to pose for Rafael?  

I though I was finished with the Weeping Angels, then I walked into St. Peter's. These angels were the real deal. I walked away from them (backwards, of course) and ran outside to find...

Angels all over freaking St. Peter's square. 

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh! That's terrifying! At least it was an experience! :)
