
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Random photos

So I'm giving in. I'm posting some of my photos on my blog. I'll probably continue to do so. Some of my very favorites aren't on my computer since I live in the stone ages and my SLR is a film camera and I don't have everything on CD yet, but I'll post what I can. And for those photographically inclined friends/family that read this, I'd appreciate some input since I haven't had my photos really critiqued in over 4 years. I may or may not have gotten lazy when it comes to photography.

I don't know why, but I like the sun spot or whatever that purple thing is.

This is probably one of my favorites that I have on my computer.

I realize this one needs some work, but this was just an amazingly cool tree. I wish I could draw so I could draw this so the focus would be more on the texture and less on the lighting.

I just like the lighting in this one.

This is for sure a favorite. This day at Arlington was really foggy and gloomy and I just love the way this turned out.

I don't know why I like this one so much. I just do.

This is another one where I don't know why I like it. Maybe I'm just really attracted to James' hands...